
We love it when groups of people come forward to help us at meal time. Some groups to come forward have been 4-H, Scouts, church groups, community groups as well as private sector groups from banks, hospitals and local industries. It only takes 4 to 6 people to form a serving group for a meal. If you are a group that wants to sponsor a meal, that can be done as well!
Volunteering is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
Step 1
We use the online web portal called SignUp.com. To receive an invitation to volunteer with us in SignUp, just submit a request giving us your first and last name and email address.
Our email is KitchenTableRochelle@gmail.com
Step 2
Download our handy volunteer help sheet for new volunteers while you wait for your email invitaiton to arrive!
Step 3
When you get your email invitation from the Kitchen Table by way of SignUp.com, just sign up and show up! It is just that easy.

Those who feel a calling to serve as a board trustee on the Kitchen Table board may fill out the application form below and submit it to the Kitchen Table in person. Board members are expected to attend 2 monthly meetings and help in other ways such as sharing their time, talents, and treasures. The board agrees we are always looking for energetic critical thinkers who can help the Kitchen Table evolve further in the passage of time!
We are affiliated with the following directory of organizations offering volunteering opportunities!
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